Need help with your UI Claim? Complete our UI Help Form to be placed on a callback list. A UI Call Center Rep will contact you directly to answer questions about your claim. Click here to access the help form: UI Help Form | RI Department of Labor & Training¿Necesita ayuda con su reclamo de seguro de desempleo? Llene nuestro formulario de ayuda de seguro de desempleo para que lo pongamos en una lista de devolución de llamadas. Un representante del centro de llamadas de seguro de desempleo se comunicará con usted directamente para responder preguntas sobre su reclamo. Haga clic aquí para acceder al formulario de ayuda: UI Help Form | RI Department of Labor & Training
UI 1099-G Forms are now available. To access your 1099-G, login to UI Online and select Download 1099-G Form under "My Dashboard."Atención Reclamantes de UI: Los formularios 1099 ya están disponibles. Para obtener su formulario 1099-G, inicie sesión en UI Online y seleccione Descargar formulario 1099-G en "Mi panel de control."
Returning to Work Everyone who is eligible to receive Unemployment Insurance Benefits receives two mailings after the initial application. The second mailing consists of a Return to Work Form. Return to Work Form PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes The Return to Work Form is to be mailed to the Department when a claimant returns to work full time. This form notifies the department of the start date, employer name and address where the claimant began working. It also provides a written request for any outstanding benefits to which the claimant may be entitled. The form can be mailed to: RI Dept. of Labor and Training Unemployment Insurance Division PO Box 20340 Cranston, RI 02920-0943 If you return to work part time and are earning less than your benefit rate, please continue to use UI Online weekly to claim partial benefits. If you become totally unemployed, you will need to file a new claim online or by calling (401) 415-6772.