Need help with your UI Claim? Complete our UI Help Form to be placed on a callback list. A UI Call Center Rep will contact you directly to answer questions about your claim. Click here to access the help form: UI Help Form | RI Department of Labor & Training¿Necesita ayuda con su reclamo de seguro de desempleo? Llene nuestro formulario de ayuda de seguro de desempleo para que lo pongamos en una lista de devolución de llamadas. Un representante del centro de llamadas de seguro de desempleo se comunicará con usted directamente para responder preguntas sobre su reclamo. Haga clic aquí para acceder al formulario de ayuda: UI Help Form | RI Department of Labor & Training
UI 1099-G Forms are now available. To access your 1099-G, login to UI Online and select Download 1099-G Form under "My Dashboard."Atención Reclamantes de UI: Los formularios 1099 ya están disponibles. Para obtener su formulario 1099-G, inicie sesión en UI Online y seleccione Descargar formulario 1099-G en "Mi panel de control."
Unemployment Resources for Employers Employer Charges Protest Benefit Charge Appeal a Decision Adjudication Questionnaires Report New Hires UI Sides + Sides E-Response Update Address for UI Forms UI/TDI 2024 Quick Reference Layoff Prevention and Response WorkShare Rapid Response Employer FAQs I received a Notice of Claim Filed form for a former employee but I do not agree with the reason for separation. What should I do? Complete the form by answering all questions and indicating the reason for separation. The information provided will be reviewed and the Department will notify you if a telephone interview is necessary. You must return this form within 10 business days in order to have standing to contest any determination with respect to the individual’s claim. Why did I receive a Notice of Claim Filed form for an employee that has not any recent employment with my company? If you received a Notice of Claim Filed this means that the wages this individual earned from your company are being used to establish a claim. Normally, the wages used to establish a claim consist of the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters before the starting date of the claim. The calendar quarters are: January 1 through March 31 April 1 through June 30 July 1 through September 30 October 1 through December 31 If an individual does not meet the minimum earning requirements, we will re-compute the claim using the last four completed calendar quarters before the starting date of the claim. How do I update my address or name on the Employer Separation Report? You can update your name and/or address here. Your username is the company’s Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and the password is the company’s Employer Reference Number (ERN). Who is the chargeable employer? The chargeable employer is the most recent base period employer for whom the claimant was separated and had worked at least 4 weeks and earned at least 20 times minimum wage in each week. When will I be billed? Bills are printed on the 7th of the month and mailed out by the 15th. Employers will typically receive within 7 days of mailing. How can I submit my Employer Separation Report? To submit your separation report, you can: Fax it to the Unemployment Insurance Division at: 401-462-8070 or 401-462-8666 Register for SIDES E-Response If you have any issues submitting your report or have questions, you can complete the Employer Help form to receive a call from the department for further assistance.