Official State of Rhode Island website

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To report TDI/TCI fraud please contact the UI/TDI Fraud Unit below


Phone(401) 462-1522


Fax: (401) 462-8474

Mail: RI Department of Labor and Training UI/TDI Fraud Unit, 1511 Pontiac Ave. Cranston, RI 02920

Fraud Unit Investigators require the following information in order to pursue a tip:

  • First and last names of those allegedly committing fraud, along with physical descriptions
  • Place of employment (name and location)

Additionally, the following information is helpful but not required:

  • Social Security numbers of those allegedly committing fraud
  • Description of vehicles involved, if applicable

Anyone may report alleged fraud anonymously. However, please know that if you choose to provide your contact information, it will remain strictly confidential.

Examples of TDI/TCI Fraud

Below are other types of UI fraud that are considered abuse. To avoid committing these types of fraud, please ensure that you are accurate and honest in all information you provide to the Department.

Common types of Claimant Fraud:

  • The claimant is also working full-time while receiving TDI benefit payments
  • The claimant is working part-time AND has not reported the resulting income to TDI
  • The claimant does not divulge to TDI that the illness/injury is work related
  • The claimant is in receipt of or has filed for Worker’ Compensation payments and does not divulge such information to TDI

Common types of Employer Fraud:

  • The employer colludes with workers so that they may unlawfully receive TDI benefit payments; or
  • The employer pays cash wages or other hidden compensation in order to avoid paying related taxes

Common types of Qualified Healthcare Provider:

  • The QHP colludes with the patient so that he/she may unlawfully receive TDI benefit payments
  • The QHP certifies the patient medically unable to work to instead allow the patient to travel or attend school
  • The QHP continues to certify the patient unable to work after the patient has recovered from the illness/injury
  • The QHP certifies the patient medically unable to work to permit the patient to receive TDI benefits instead of Unemployment Insurance benefits. Please note: patients may prefer to receive TDI benefits since it has a higher benefit rate and the benefit payments are considered non-taxable income.