How Does Free or Reduced Cost Job Training Work?

- Real Jobs RI Programs are run by partnerships consisting of employers and training providers and are completely free to participants. Approximately 80% of Real Jobs trainees successfully complete training and are placed into related employment.
- ETPL Programs are available to eligible underemployed Rhode Islanders at no cost or at a reduced cost. You will need to meet with a Job Coach either online or at a DLT Career Center to determine your eligibility for an Individual Training Account of up to $15,000 to cover the cost of the ETPL program you wish to enroll in.
- Apprenticeship Programs allow a person to work and earn money while learning new skills and gradually obtaining qualifications and credentials with little-to-no money out-of-pocket.
Real Jobs RI, ETPL, and Apprenticeship training opportunities are open to individuals who are legally authorized to work in the United States at the time of application.
Real Jobs RI training programs are completely free to participants who are admitted to the program.
Individuals may receive up to $15,000 towards the cost of a program on the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) if they qualify for WIOA services. To see if you qualify for WIOA services, please visit an American Job Center/DLT Career Center or schedule an online appointment with a job coach.
Apprenticeship programs may be free to the participant; or may have some associated training costs depending on the program.
Visit the Open Training Opportunities page to see what programs are actively recruiting, and to view information on who to contact and/or how to apply for admission.