Board of Review

The Board of Review is an autonomous, quasi-judicial agency created by Rhode Island General Law. Our primary function is to hear and render decisions on appeals arising from the Department of Labor and Training (DLT), Unemployment Insurance and Temporary Disability/Temporary Caregivers Insurance divisions, and from employers on certain contested tax status issues. The Board of Review is statutorily independent from the Department of Labor and Training.
When an individual is separated from employment, DLT makes an initial determination of eligibility for benefits through a fact-finding interview with the employee (claimant) and the employer. An appeal can be made by the claimant when the benefits have been denied, or by the employer when benefits have been awarded to the claimant. Once an appeal is made, the case enters the jurisdiction of the Board of Review and a hearing is scheduled before a hearing officer (Referee). Your right to appeal to the full Board of Review is also discussed on this site. This site offers general information and does not have the force or effect of law or official regulations.
Please Note: Interpreters are available for your hearing at no cost to you. For more information concerning this please contact the Board of Review at (401) 462-9400.
Board Members:
- Chris Fierro, Chairman, representing the Public
- John Leidecker, representing Labor
- Spencer Marks, representing Industry
File an Appeal to the Board of Review
You must file your appeal within 15 calendar days of the mailing date on the initial Department decision.
- Appeals from the initial Department decisions must be filed by letter, fax or phone to the Central Adjudication Unit of the Department of Labor and Training, 1511 Pontiac Avenue Cranston, RI 02920, phone: (401) 462-8300, fax: (401) 462-8318.
- Appeals from a Referee's Decision to the Board of Review must be filed in writing directly with the Board of Review within 15 days of the mailing date in the Referee's decision: Board of Review Center General Complex 41 West Road, Hazard Bldg., 1st Floor Cranston, RI 02920 Phone: (401) 462-9400 Fax: (401) 462-9401, email
Unemployment Compensation appeal hearings are called "de novo", which is Latin for "from the beginning". This means your hearing will be impartial and independent of the initial decision that granted or denied your benefits. The Referee who conducts the hearing is not bound by the initial decision rendered by the Department.
You will receive a Notice of Referee Hearing, stating the issues that are to be addressed and the scheduled date for the hearing. Your hearing will be held by telephone.
Carefully note the DATE and TIME of the hearing. You must make every effort to call 401-462-9400 to participate in the hearing. Only if you have a very important commitment that absolutely cannot be changed should you request a postponement. Generally, hearings will not be postponed for personal reasons, vacations, plant closing, or business appointments.
Your hearing will be by telephone. You may request a copy of your appeal file by sending an email with a copy of your license to These request should be made 2 business days prior the hearing date.
These forms are being provided as examples of documents and decisions that individuals may receive if they have an appeal hearing with the Board of Review.
Example Letters From the Board of Review
Contact Us
Center General Complex
41 West Road, Hazard Building, #74, 1st Floor
Cranston, RI, 02920
Fax: 401-462-9401