Required Posters for the Workplace
DLT posters are available to download and print free of charge to employers.
It is the Employer’s responsibility to display these posters in a place where all employees can see them. To comply with this requirement, employers who have employees that work remotely or telecommute may email or text this web page to those off-site employees.
Veterans' Benefits & Services Poster - Available for download!
Displaying only the Combination Poster, the Pay Equity, and the Workplace Discrimination posters meets DLT requirements. Individual posters are also available for download.
Combination Posters
Workplace Discrimination Posters
Individual posters listed below can also be downloaded. (Displaying only the Combination Poster, the Pay Equity, & the Workplace Discrimination posters meets DLT requirements).
Individual Posters
Veterans' Benefits & Services Poster - Available for download!
Rhode Island Department of Health
Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights
For federally required posters please visit the US Department of Labor website or use the The elaws FirstStep Poster Advisor to determine which poster(s) employers are required to display at your place of business.