Official State of Rhode Island website

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Note: Please submit your Workshare application via secure email:

To submit your Workshare application electronically, you must register in the State’s secure portal at the following link:

Once registered, submit your application to

*Due to increased mail volume, Workshare applications sent via U.S. mail may be delayed.

Employers may be able to avoid layoffs by choosing the WorkShare alternative. Previously in a temporary layoff situation, employers who hoped to reemploy their workers ran the risk of losing those skilled workers to other business opportunities. The WorkShare program allows employers to retain their skilled workers during times of slowdown by simply reducing the work hours of a larger group of employees. Employees whose hours and wages are reduced would be eligible to receive a portion of their regular unemployment insurance benefits to compensate for the lost wages. In addition to sparing employers the potential lost of its existing workforce, WorkShare also spares a company's employees the financial and emotional hardship associated with a layoff situation.

WorkShare is available to any employer with two or more employees. Employees who normally work for the employer submitting a WorkShare plan and who would normally be eligible to receive regular unemployment insurance benefits in Rhode Island are eligible to participate in WorkShare.

The following also apply:

  • The employee must serve a waiting period before receiving WorkShare benefits, unless a waiting period has already been served on an existing claim.
  • During the week, the individual is employed as a member of an affected unit under a WorkShare plan which was approved prior to that week, and the plan is in effect the week for which WorkShare benefits are claimed.
  • The individual is able to work and is available for the normal work week with the WorkShare employer.
  • The employee must work all the hours offered by the WorkShare employer in any given week up to the employee's usual weekly hours.
  • If an individual has earnings in the same week with another employer, those earnings will not affect the individual's WorkShare benefits. The employee can receive a maximum of 52 weeks of WorkShare benefits during a single benefit year.

Employers can access WorkShare application documents on this webpage. If you’re interested in applying for WorkShare, we encourage you to review the information found on this website. Interested employers may apply for WorkShare by completing the application below.