Phishing Scam Alert Attention UI Claimants: Beware of Phishing Emails! If you receive an email claiming there is "sensitive correspondence waiting in your RI DLT UI Online Inbox," DO NOT click any links or open attachments in the email. This message did not originate from DLT and is a fraudulent attempt to steal your personal information. For more information on what the email looks like, visit this webpage:ón solicitantes de UI: ¡Cuidado con los correos electrónicos de phishing! Si recibe un correo electrónico que dice que hay "correspondencia confidencial esperando en su bandeja de entrada de UI Online de RI DLT," NO haga clic en ningún enlace ni abra archivos adjuntos en el correo electrónico. Este mensaje no se originó en DLT y es un intento fraudulento para robar su información personal.Para obtener más información sobre el aspecto del correo electrónico, visite esta página web:
UI 1099-G Forms Attention UI Claimants: Your UI 1099-G forms will be available for download starting January 13, 2025. There is no need to contact our call center to request these forms.Atención Aplicantes de UI: Sus formularios UI 1099-G estarán disponibles para descargar a partir del 13 de enero de 2025. No es necesario comunicarse con nuestro centro de llamadas para solicitar estos formularios.
Pay Equity Act Self-Evaluation Form Employers seeking to undertake a self-evaluation for purposes of asserting an affirmative defense to claims brought pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws § 28-6-18 must ensure that the self-evaluation is performed with due diligence and is reasonable in scope and detail based on their own individual circumstances. The definition of due diligence will likely differ for a small business with few categories of jobs and a larger or more operationally complex organization. Employers’ self-evaluations may be of their own design, or they can utilize the form made available on the Department of Labor and Training website. The draft of the form is available below. In addition, the Department is providing steps that employers should consider undertaking as part of a self-evaluation. The nature of the analysis required will vary significantly depending on the size, makeup, and resources of each employer. The steps outlined below are intended only as general guidelines and use thereof is not dispositive proof of the due diligence or sufficiency of any self-evaluation. The Department welcomes comment on the form and self-evaluation guidance. Comments regarding the form and/or self-evaluation guidance can be submitted to Pay Equity Act Poster 8x11 (English and Spanish) PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes Pay Equity Act Poster 11x17 (English and Spanish) PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes Equal Pay Act Self-Evaluation Guidance PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes Pay Equity Spreadsheet Excel file, less than 1mbmegabytes