Need help with your UI Claim? Complete our UI Help Form to be placed on a callback list. A UI Call Center Rep will contact you directly to answer questions about your claim. Click here to access the help form: UI Help Form | RI Department of Labor & Training¿Necesita ayuda con su reclamo de seguro de desempleo? Llene nuestro formulario de ayuda de seguro de desempleo para que lo pongamos en una lista de devolución de llamadas. Un representante del centro de llamadas de seguro de desempleo se comunicará con usted directamente para responder preguntas sobre su reclamo. Haga clic aquí para acceder al formulario de ayuda: UI Help Form | RI Department of Labor & Training
UI 1099-G Forms are now available. To access your 1099-G, login to UI Online and select Download 1099-G Form under "My Dashboard."Atención Reclamantes de UI: Los formularios 1099 ya están disponibles. Para obtener su formulario 1099-G, inicie sesión en UI Online y seleccione Descargar formulario 1099-G en "Mi panel de control."
Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors Misclassification occurs when an employer treats a worker who is an employee under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) as an independent contractor. The misclassification of workers as independent contractors rather than employees is a serious problem because misclassified employees may not receive the minimum wage and overtime pay to which they are entitled under the FLSA or other benefits and protections to which they are entitled under the law. To report misclassification, call (401) 574-8477 or fill out the form below. Report Misclassification Form PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes This form can be emailed to . Why is employee misclassification a problem? When employers misclassify workers They avoid paying many state and federal taxes. They avoid providing workers' compensation coverage for their employees. They may fail to follow wage, contractor registration, or other labor laws. They have a competitive advantage and may underprice legitimate employers. The Federal Government Accountability Office reports that the underpayment of unemployment, Social Security, income taxes, and workers' compensation are exceeding billions of dollars federally and millions of dollars at the state level. Rhode Island employers must generally withhold state and federal income taxes, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and pay unemployment taxes on wages paid to employees. They must also pay Workers' Compensation premiums on the employees. An employee is anyone performing service for an employer who controls what will be done and how it will be done by the worker. Independent Contractors have an independent trade, business, or profession. Their services are offered to the public and they have the right to control the means and methods of how the work is performed. What happens after a complaint is received by the Department? According to R.I. Gen. Laws Section 28-14-19.1, upon receipt of a complaint alleging the misclassification of a worker, the Department will investigate the complaint under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Effective January 1, 2024, Civil penalties may be brought forth by the Department if it is established that an employer misclassified one or more employee(s) as independent contractors. Criminal charges may be brought forth by the Attorney General’s Office if it is established that an employer misclassified one or more employee(s) as independent contractors. Worker Misclassification Fact Sheet PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes Joint Task Force on the Underground Economy and Employee Misclassification About the Task Force Established in 2014, the Task Force’s purpose of this panel is to coordinate joint efforts to combat fraudulent employment activities; foster voluntary compliance with the law by educating workers and employers; protect the health, safety, and benefit rights of workers; and 4) work to level the playing field to increase fair competition among businesses. The task force Task Force has representation from: Dept. of Labor and Training Division of Taxation Dept. of Business Regulation Division of Workforce Regulation and Safety RI Attorney General RI Dept. of Public Safety Workers’ Compensation Court Annual Reports 2023 Misclassification Annual Report PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes 2021 & 2022 Misclassification Annual Report PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes 2018 Worker Misclassification Annual Report PDF file, about 1mbmegabytes 2017 Worker Misclassification Annual Report PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes 2016 Worker Misclassification Annual Report PDF file, about 2mbmegabytes 2015 Worker Misclassification Annual Report PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes