Right to Know Guidelines for Employers
In compliance with Rhode Island General Law, Section 28-21, employers must complete the Hazardous Substance Right-to-Know Annual Registration Form and submit it to the RI Department of Labor and Training, Right-to-Know Unit.
Although there is no longer a registration fee, you are still required by law to comply with all the requirements listed below.
The following is required annually by the business owner for all new businesses and previously registered businesses:
If you have at least 1 employee, full or part time, and you have hazardous substances greater than 2 gallons or 10 pounds, or a product containing at least 1% carcinogen, you must request Safety Data Sheets (SDS) from your supplier. CLICK HERE for the List of Chemical Substances (in alphabetical order) to see what chemicals are considered hazardous in Rhode Island.
A. Request Safety Data Sheets (SDS) from your supplier:
- Review these SDSs annually to educate and train your employees.
- Document your annual training program for your records.
B. Compile an alphabetical list of hazardous substances in the work place:
- Complete the reverse side of this registration by listing your hazardous substance(s) by trade name and chemical ingredient which are greater than 2 gallons or 10 pounds. Add additional sheets if necessary.
- Send a copy of this same list to your local fire department with a building diagram of where the hazardous substance(s) are stored and/or used.
- Keep a copy of your list for your records.
- Label all containers of hazardous substances.
C. Reasons you will be exempt from the law:
- No employees (Owner operated)
- Out of Business
- Out of State Business (sales representative, consultant, etc.)
- Domestic help (cook, nanny, maid, etc.)
- Employees not exposed to hazardous substances greater than 10 pounds or two gallons stored and/or used on the premises or any carcinogens.
D. Display your Right-to-Know poster - Required Posters
Call (401) 462-8570, press option 4 or (401) 462-8559 for Kerri Carmen, Chief of the Hazardous Substance Unit if you would like to request assistance in completing your Right-to-Know program.