Phishing Scam Alert Attention UI Claimants: Beware of Phishing Emails! If you receive an email claiming there is "sensitive correspondence waiting in your RI DLT UI Online Inbox," DO NOT click any links or open attachments in the email. This message did not originate from DLT and is a fraudulent attempt to steal your personal information. For more information on what the email looks like, visit this webpage:ón solicitantes de UI: ¡Cuidado con los correos electrónicos de phishing! Si recibe un correo electrónico que dice que hay "correspondencia confidencial esperando en su bandeja de entrada de UI Online de RI DLT," NO haga clic en ningún enlace ni abra archivos adjuntos en el correo electrónico. Este mensaje no se originó en DLT y es un intento fraudulento para robar su información personal.Para obtener más información sobre el aspecto del correo electrónico, visite esta página web:
UI 1099-G Forms Attention UI Claimants: Your UI 1099-G forms will be available for download starting January 13, 2025. There is no need to contact our call center to request these forms.Atención Aplicantes de UI: Sus formularios UI 1099-G estarán disponibles para descargar a partir del 13 de enero de 2025. No es necesario comunicarse con nuestro centro de llamadas para solicitar estos formularios.
EMT Training Program For More Information & to Apply Program Contact Email Program Phone Number 401-847-7171 Website Visit Website Description Newport Community School boasts a successful history of collaborating with the Department of Labor and Training (DLT) to offer workforce training and development programs for underserved populations on Aquidneck Island. Building upon this collaboration, Newport Community School's Aquidneck Island Adult Learning Center (AIALC) program, in partnership with the Newport Fire Department, addresses the critical healthcare industry workforce shortage by training, supporting, and hiring local Rhode Islanders for entry-to-mid-level healthcare positions through Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training. This program opportunity is organized by the Newport Workforce Partnership led by Newport Community School. Details Training Providers Newport Community School Training Locations 23 America's Cup Way, Newport, RI 02840 Program Schedule 12-Weeks (Mon-Fri) Total Program Hours 12 Graduate Credentials EMT Certification Total Cost FREE for qualified candidates