
For More Information & to Apply

Program Contact Name

Nigel Wynter

Program Contact Email
Program Phone Number


RemoteWorks will serve 10 individuals who have been unemployed due to challenges posed by the pandemic, with a specific focus on individuals with disabilities and people of color. The need for trained remote workers is a turning point in the workforce history and this new landscape demands specialized training that prepares individuals to begin long-term career pathways. In society today, there is a digital divide and there must be implemented tangible and sustainable solutions to close it. In so doing, we will contribute to Rhode Island’s economic health, now and in the future. Graduates of the program will be equipped with remote work credentials that fit the needs of employers.


Training Providers

The Workplace

Training Locations


Program Schedule

March to June

Total Program Hours
Graduate Credentials

Linkedin Learning, Sacred Heart University Remote Worker Certification

Total Cost

Free for Qualified Candidates